Gioventù Italiana del Littorio Comando Federale dell’Urbe Gare Artistico-Culturali, Teatro Argentina, Rome.
Exhibition, San Marco Gallery, Rome
Inaugural exhibition at Domus Galeria de Arte e Antiguidades [Domus Gallery of Art and Antiquities], São Paulo.
Aquarelas e Guaches [Watercolors and Gouaches], Biblioteca Municipal de São Paulo [São Paulo City Library].
11th Salão do Sindicato dos Artistas Plásticos [Salon of the Union of Fine Artists], Galeria Prestes Maia [Prestes Maia Gallery], São Paulo, September.
II Esposizione Annualle dell’Art Club, Galeria-Ritrovo dell’Art Club, Rome, 14 to 31 December.
Do Figurativismo ao Abstracionismo [From Figurativism to Abstractionism], MAM/SP [São Paulo Museum of Modern Art], inaugural exhibition, São Paulo (1st exhibition of abstract art in Brazil).
Inaugural exhibition of the São Paulo Art Club, Masp [São Paulo Museum of Art], São Paulo.
Escultura e Pintura, [Sculpture and Painting], building of Sul América Terrestres, Marítimos e Acidentes (Satma), Rio de Janeiro.
1st Salão Paulista de Arte Moderna [São Paulo Salon of Modern Art], Galeria Prestes Maia [Prestes Maia Gallery]. 1st Bienal Internacional de Artes de São Paulo [São Paulo Art Biennial].
2nd Salão Paulista de Arte Moderna [São Paulo Salon of Modern Art].
Exhibition Ruptura [Rupture], MAM-SP [São Paulo Museum of Modern Art], 9 December. (1st exhibition of concrete art in Brazil).
9th Lissone International Award, Italy. 4th Salão Paulista de Arte Moderna [São Paulo Salon of Modern Art]. 3rd Bienal Internacional de Artes de São Paulo [São Paulo Art Biennial].
1st Exposição Nacional de Arte Concreta [National Exhibition of Concrete Art], MAM/SP [São Paulo Museum of Modern Art], 4 to 18 December.
1st Exposição Nacional de Arte Concreta [National Exhibition of Concrete Art], MEC [Ministry of Education and Culture], Rio de Janeiro, 24 February.
IV International Art Exhibition Japan, Tokyo.
Arte Moderno en Brasil, Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires; Museo Municipal de Bellas Artes Juan B. Castagnino, Rosario (Argentina);
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo, Santiago (Chile)
Museo de Arte de Lima, Lima (Peru).
4th Bienal Internacional de Artes de São Paulo [São Paulo Art Biennial].
47 Artistas [47 Artists], Galeria de Arte das Folhas [Folhas Art Gallery], São Paulo, 24 March (Prêmio Leirner de Arte Contemporânea [Leirner Prize for Contemporary Art])
Prêmio Leirner de Arte Contemporânea [Leirner Prize for Contemporary Art],
Galeria de Arte das Folhas [Folhas Art Gallery], São Paulo, 21 January.
5th Bienal Internacional de Artes de São Paulo [São Paulo Art Biennial].
Brasilianischer Kunstler, Haus der Kunst, Munich (Germany), June to September.
Arte Moderna do Brasil [Modern Art in Brazil], Hamburg, Amsterdam, Paris, Switzerland, Milan, Madrid, Barcelona, Vienna and Lisbon.
Arte Concreta: Retrospectiva 1951-1959 [Concrete Art: 1951- 1959 Retrospective] – MAM/RJ [Rio de Janeiro Museum of Modern Art], July.
Konkrete Kunst/50 Jahre Entwicklung – Helmhaus Museum, Zurich (Switzerland), organized by Max Bill, 8 June to 14 August.
Prêmio Leirner de Arte Contemporânea [Leirner Prize for Contemporary Art],
Galeria de Arte da Folha [Folha Art Gallery], São Paulo, October.
9th Salão Paulista de Arte Moderna [São Paulo Salon of Modern Art] (Grande Medalha de Ouro [Grand Golden Medal]).
Associação de Artes Visuais Novas Tendências [New Tendencies Association of Visual Arts] (inaugural group exhibition 1), Galeria NT [NTGallery], 9 December, São Paulo.
7th Bienal Internacional de Artes de São Paulo [São Paulo Art Biennial].
12th Salão Paulista de Arte Moderna [São Paulo Salon of Modern Art].
Instituto dos Arquitetos do Brasil [Institute of Architects of Brazil] (IAB), 18 June, São Paulo.
Opinion 65, MAM/RJ [Rio de Janeiro Museum of Modern Art], 12 August to 13 September.
Nova Tendencija 3, Zagreb (Yugoslavia), 13 August to 19 September.
Propostas 65 [Proposals 65], MAB/ Faap [Museum of Brazilian Art/Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation], São Paulo, 14 December.
8th Bienal Internacional de Artes de São Paulo [São Paulo Art Biennial].
Receives Prêmio Itamaraty [Itamaraty Award]
1st Salão de Abril [Salon of April] and 1st Jovem Arte [Young Art], MAM/RJ [Rio de Janeiro Museum of Modern Art], 31 March to 17 April.
Supermercado 66 [Supermarket 66], Galeria Relevo [Relevo Gallery], Rio de Janeiro, 12 to 24 April.
Artistas Brasileños Contemporáneos, Museo de Arte Moderno, Buenos Aires, 22 April to 21 May.
1st Bienal Nacional de Artes Plásticas de Salvador [Salvador National Biennial of Fine Arts] (special room).
Premissas 3 [Assumptions 3], MAB/Faap [Museum of Brazilian Art/Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation], São Paulo, December.
Opinion 66 [Opinion 66], MAM/RJ [Rio de Janeiro Museum of Modern Art]. 15th Salão Paulista de Arte Moderna [São Paulo Salon of Modern Art],
Galeria Prestes Maia [Prestes Maia Gallery], São Paulo
Nova Objetividade Brasileira [The New Brazilian Objectivity],
MAM-RJ [Rio de Janeiro Museum of Modern Art], 6 to 30 April.
Propostas 67 [Proposals 67], Faap [Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation], São Paulo.
1st Salão de Maio [Salon of May], MAM/RJ [Rio de Janeiro Museum of Modern Art].
9th Bienal Internacional de Artes de São Paulo [São Paulo Art Biennial], with four paintings, four sculptures and participation in the International Architecture Exhibition. The work Rebolando, previously refused, is now accepted. Receives the Prêmio Itamaraty [Itamaraty Award].
IX Salon Grands et Jeunes d’Aujourd’Hui, Paris.
Salon Comparaisons, Paris.
Propostas 68 [Proposals 68], MAB/Faap [Museum of Brazilian Art/Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation], São Paulo.
17th Salão Paulista de Arte Moderna [São Paulo Salon of Modern Art], Galeria Prestes Maia [Prestes Maia Gallery], São Paulo.
X Salon Grands et Jeunes d’Aujourd’Hui.
I Biennale of Nürnberg/ Konstruktive Kunst: Elemente + Prinzipien, Germany, 3 April to 3 August. Salon Comparaisons, Paris, 18 March to 13 April.
XXV Salon de Mai, Paris, 12 May to 1 June. Kompjutori I Vizuelna Istrazivanja/Computer and Visual Research, Kulturi Centar, Belgrade.
Nova Tendencija 4 NT4, Zagreb (Yugoslavia), May. Galerie Umeníkarlovy Vary, Klub Konkretisto, Czechoslovakia.
10th Bienal Internacional de Artes de São Paulo [São Paulo Art Biennial].
International Architecture Exhibition. 1st Nuremberg Biennale.
Computer Plotter Art, Usis Minigallery, American Consulate, São Paulo, 17 to 31 March (1st computer art exhibition held in Latin America).
Computer Graphic 70, Brunel University, London, April. Computer Plotter Art, MAM/RJ [Rio de Janeiro Museum of Modern Art].
Computer 70, Olympia, London. Kompjutori I Vizuelna Istrazivanja/Computer and Visual Research, Galerija Suvremene Umjetnosti, Institut Ruder Boskovic, Zagreb (Yugoslavia).
Semaine Internationale Les Arts “L’Espace et L’Environnement,” France.
Computer Grafiek, Groningen and Arnhem, Amsterdam.
Arteônica, Faap [Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation], São Paulo, March; MAC/Campinas [Campinas Museum of Contemporary Art], May.
Computer Graphics, Kunstlerclub, Hamburg.
XIII Salon Grands et Jeunes d’Aujourd’Hui, Grand Palais des Champs-Elysées, Paris, 18 February to 27 March.
International Computer Art Exhibition, Canadian Computer Show, Montreal, 20 May to 1 June.
Arte/Brasil/Hoje 50 anos depois [Art/Brazil/Today: 50 Years Later], Galeria Collectio [Collectio Gallery], São Paulo.
Panorama Atual da Arte Brasileira [Panorama of the Current Brazilian Art], MAM/SP [São Paulo Museum of Modern Art].
Sistem II, Centro de Arte y Comunicación (Cayc), Buenos Aires.
29th Salão Paranaense de Artes Plásticas[Paraná State Salon of Fine Arts], Paraná.
XIV Salon Grands et Jeunes d’Aujourd’Hui, Grand Palais des Champs-Elysées, Paris, 15 May.
A Arte do Computador [The Computer Art], Goethe Institut, Campinas, 25 May to 8 June 1973. Circuit, Birmingham (England); Eastern Michigan University, Michigan (USA), April.
National Computer Conference and Exhibition, New York Coliseum, New York.
Nova Tendencija 5 NT5, The Rational and the Irrational in Visual Research Today, XV AICA’s Assembly, Gallery of Contemporary Art, Zagreb, June. 73 Edinburgh International Festival, Edinburgh (Scotland), September.
Ordinateur et Création Artistique, Sesa, Paris. Creativité Artificielle, Sigma, Bordeaux (France).
Arte de Sistemas en LatinoAmérica, International Cultureel Centruum, Antwerp, May.
Exhibit 11011011, University of Buffalo, New York, May
Arteônica, retrospectiva 1968-73 [Arteônica, 1968-73 retrospective]).
Salon de l’Ordinateur, Montreal. ICCH/2, Los Angeles
13th Bienal Internacional de Artes de São Paulo [São Paulo Art Biennial].
Projeto Construtivo Brasileiro na Arte (1950-1962) [1950-1962 Brazilian Constructive Art Project], MAM [Museum of Modern Art], Rio de Janeiro;
Pinacoteca do Estado [São Paulo State Art Gallery], São Paulo.
As Bienais e a Abstração [The Biennials and Abstraction], Museu Lasar Segall [Lasar Segall Museum], São Paulo.
Tradição e Ruptura [Tradition and Rupture], Fundação Bienal de São Paulo [Biennial Foundation].
Rumos Para a Arte por Computador [Routes to Computer Art], MIS [Museum of Image and Sound], São Paulo, 1984.
Tendências Construtivas no Acervo do MAC/USP [Constructive Trends in the Collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art at the University of São Paulo MAC/USP], São Paulo.
Modernidade: Art Brésilien du 20e Siècle, MAM/Paris; MAM/ SP [São Paulo Museum of Modern Art].
Construtivismo [Constructivism], MAC/USP [Museum of Contemporary Art/University of São Paulo], São Paulo
Bienal Brasil Século XX [20th-Century Brazil Biennial], Fundação Bienal de São Paulo [Biennial Foundation].
Opinião 65 – 30 anos [Opinion 65 - 30 Years], Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil [Banco do Brasil Cultural Center], Rio de Janeiro, 17 May to 16July.
4th Studio Unesp/Sesc/Senai de Tecnologia de Imagens [Unesp/ Sesc/Senai Studio of Imaging Technology], São Paulo. Desexp(l)os(ign)ição, Casa das Rosas, São Paulo
Publication of articles as a tribute to his work, Revista Leonardo [Leonardo Magazine], February.
“Celebrating 30 Years,” Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology. Arte brasileira, 50 Anos de História no Acervo do MAC/USP [Brazilian Art, 50 Years of History in the Collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art at the University of São Paulo – MAC/USP] (1920-1970), MAC/USP [Museum of Contemporary Art/University of São Paulo], São Paulo.
Tridimensionalidade na Arte Brasileira do Século XX [Three-dimensionality in the Brazilian Art of the 20th Century], Instituto Itaú Cultural [Itaú Cultural Institute], São Paulo.
Precursor e Pioneiros Contemporâneos [Precursor and Contemporary Pioneers], Paço das Artes, São Paulo, 23 October to 30 November
Arte Suporte Computador [Art Support Computer], Casa das Rosas, São Paulo, 1997.
1st Mercosul Biennial, Porto Alegre, 2 October to 30 November.
Arte Construtiva no Brasil [Constructive Art in Brazil] – Adolpho Leirner Collection, MAM [Museum of Modern Art], São Paulo, 2 October to 20 December. MAM/RJ [Rio de Janeiro Museum of Modern Art]
O Brasil no Século da Arte: A Coleção MAC-USP [Brazil in the Century of the Arts: The Collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art, University of São Paulo], Centro Cultural Fiesp [Fiesp Cultural Center].
Cotidiano/Arte: a Técnica [Daily Life/Art: The Technique], Instituto Itaú Cultural [Itaú Cultural Institute], São Paulo, 24 August to 24 October.
Brasil + 500 – Mostra do Redescobrimento [Brazil + 500 — The Show of the Rediscovery], Fundação Bienal de São Paulo [Biennial Foundation].
Situações Arte Brasileira – Anos 70 [Brazilian Art Situations – The Seventies], Casa Brasil-França [France-Brazil House], Rio de Janeiro.
Versiones del Sur: Cinco Propuestas en Torno al Arte en América, Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid.
Caminhos da Forma: Tridimensionais da Coleção MAC/USP, [The Paths of Form: the MAC/USP Collection in 3-D], Galeria de Arte do Sesi [Sesi Art Gallery], São Paulo.
Trajetória da Luz na Arte Brasileira [Trajectory of Light in Brazilian Art], Instituto Itaú Cultural [Itaú Cultural Institute], São Paulo
Grupo Ruptura [Rupture Group], Centro Universitário Maria Antonia/USP [Maria Antonia Quasi-University Center/University of São Paulo], São Paulo, 13 June to 21 July.
Caminhos do Contemporâneo 1952/2002 [1952-2002 Paths of Contemporaneity], Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro
Da Antropofagia a Brasília [From Anthropophagia to Brasília], MAB/Faap [Museum of Brazilian Art/Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation], São Paulo, December to March.
Aproximações do Espírito Pop: 1963-68 [Approximations of the Pop Spirit: 1963-68], MAM [Museum of Modern Art], São Paulo, 24 April to 22 June.
Geo-Metrías: Abstracción Geométrica Latinoamericana en La Colección Cisneros, Museo Nacional Artes Visuales Montevideo
A Subversão dos Meios [The Subversion of Media], Instituto Itaú Cultural [Itaú Cultural Institute], São Paulo, 24 October to 24 February.
Plataforma São Paulo 450 Anos [450 Years São Paulo Platform], MAC/USP [Museum of Contemporary Art/University of São Paulo], São Paulo. Versão Brasileira [Brazilian Version], Galeria Brito Cimino [Brito Cimino Gallery], São Paulo.
Tudo é Brasil [Everything Is Brazil], Instituto Itaú Cultural [Itaú Cultural Institute], São Paulo; Paço Imperial, Rio de Janeiro.
Inverted Utopias: Avant-Garde Art in Latin America, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (USA).
Homo Ludens: do faz de conta à vertigem [Homo Ludens: From Make-Believing to Vertigo], Instituto Itaú Cultural [Itaú Cultural Institute], São Paulo. Cinético Digital [Kinetic Digital], Instituto Itaú Cultural [Itaú Cultural Institute], São Paulo.
Tropicália: A Revolution in Brazilian Culture, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago (USA); Centro Cultural Belém [Belém Cultural Center], Lisbon (Portugal); The Bronx Museum, New York. Cinquenta 50 [Fifty 50], MAM/SP [São Paulo Museum of Modern Art]. 5th Mercosul Biennial, Porto Alegre.
Através, ou a Geometria Corrompida [Through, or The Corrupted Geometry], Galeria Bergamin [Bergamin Gallery], São Paulo.
Visualidades Técnicas [Technical Visualities], Instituto Cervantes [Cervantes Institute], São Paulo.
100 Anos da Pinacoteca: A Formação de um Acervo [100 Years of the Pinacoteca: How the Collection Was Formed], Galeria do Sesi [Sesi Gallery], São Paulo.
Dor, Forma, Beleza [Pain, Form, Beauty], Estação Pinacoteca [Pinacoteca Station], São Paulo.
Espaço Aberto/Espaço Fechado: Sites for Sculptures in Modern Brazil, Henry Moore Institute, Leeds (England). The Sites of Latin American Abstraction, Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation, Miami.
Concreta 56: A Raiz da Forma [Concrete 56: The Root of Form], MAM/SP [São Paulo Museum of Modern Art].
Tropicália: A Revolution in Brazilian Culture, Barbican, London.
Pincelada. Pintura e Método: Projeções na Década de 50 [Brushstroke. Painting and Method: Projections in the Fifties], Instituto Tomie Ohtake [Tomie Ohtake Institute], São Paulo.
Tropicália. MAM/RJ [Rio de Janeiro Museum of Modern Art].
The Geometry of Hope: Latin American Abstract Art from The Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Collection, Blanton Museum of Art, Austin; Grey Art Gallery, New York University, New York.
Dimensions of Constructive Art in Brazil: The Adolpho Leirner Collection. Museum of Fine Arts, Houston (USA).
Desenho Construtivo Brasileiro, [Brazilian Constructive Design], MAM/RJ [Rio de Janeiro Museum of Modern Art].
Itaú Contemporâneo: Arte no Brasil 1981-2006, [Contemporary Itaú: Art in Brazil 1981-2006], Instituto Itaú Cultural [Itaú Cultural Institute], São Paulo
Fotoformas e Suas Margens [Fotoformas and Their Margins], Centro Universitário Maria Antonia/USP [Maria Antonia Center/University of São Paulo], São Paulo.
Diálogo Concreto: Design e Construtivismo no Brasil [Concrete Dialog: Design and Constructivism in Brazil], Caixa Cultural, Rio de Janeiro.
Diálogo Concreto: Design e Construtivismo no Brasil [Concrete Dialog: Design and Constructivism in Brazil]. Caixa Cultural, São Paulo.
Arte como Questão – Anos 70 [Art as an Issue – The Seventies]. Instituto Tomie Ohtake [Tomie Ohtake Institute], São Paulo.
Building on the Construct: The Adolpho Leirner Collection at the Museum of Fine Arts of Houston, HausKonstructuv, Zurich (Switzerland).
As Construções de Brasília [The Constructions in Brasília], Instituto Moreira Salles [Moreira Salles Institute], Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo. Vibración Moderne Kunst aus Lateinamerika, The Ella-Fontanals-Cisneros Collection, Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn (Germany).
Tékhne: dos Multimeios à Arte Digital [Tékhne: From Multimedia to Digital Art], Faap [Armando Alvares Penteado Foundation], São Paulo.
Constructive Spirit: Abstract Art in South and North America, 1920s-50s, Newark Museum New Jersey; Amon Carter Museum, Fort Worth, Texas (USA).
Brasília e o Construtivismo: Um Encontro Adiado [Brasília and Constructivism: An Encounter Postponed]. Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil [Banco do Brasil Cultural Center],
Brasília. Um dia terá que ter terminado [One Day It Will Have to Be Finished], MAC/USP [Museum of Contemporary Art/University of São Paulo], São Paulo.
Bit International, Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Brasil: Figuração x Abstração – final dos Anos 40 [Brazil: Figuration vs. Abstraction – Late Forties], Instituto de Arte Contemporânea [Institute of Contemporary Art], São Paulo.
Europalia, Brazil – Art in Brazil: 1950-2011, Center for Fine Arts, Brussels.
Waldemar Cordeiro & Franz Mon, Goethe Institute, New York.
La Abstracción Geométrica en Latinoamérica (1934-1973). Fundación Juan March, Madrid.
A Iminência das Poéticas [The Imminence of Poetics], 30th Bienal Internacional de São Paulo [São Paulo Art Biennial]. Instante: Experiência/ Acontecimento [Instant: Experience/Happening], Sesc Pinheiros, São Paulo.
Resistir é Preciso [Resisting Is Necessary], Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil [Banco do Brasil Cultural Center], São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Brasília.
30 x Bienal – Transformações na Arte Brasileira da 1a à 30a Edição [30 x Biennial – Transformations in Brazilian Art from the 1st to the 30th Edition], Fundação Bienal de São Paulo [Biennial Foundation].
Sensitive Geometries: Brazil 1950s-1980s, Hauser & Wirth Gallery, New York.
Concrete Invention, Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid. - See More: Link of the Video of the Exposition
Radical Geometry: Modern Art of South America from Patricia de Cisneros Collection, Royal Academy of London (England). - Link with Details of the Exposition.
MOMA - NY — Sur Moderno: Journeys of Abstraction—The Patricia Phelps de Cisneros Gift is drawn primarily from the paintings, sculptures, and works on paper donated to the Museum by the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros.
ruptura e o grupo: abstração e arte concreta, 70 anos
Curadoria: Heloisa Espada e Yuri Quevedo